It even helps u understand ur friends better. Like I found out, one of my friends seems to have a cold for like 24x7 throughout the year! Hehe. And anothe
r sweats in january in kodaikanal trying to convince us not to travel by road at night. Hehe. And another doesn't know tamil though its his mother tongue. Another gets superheated with anger just cuz we dont give him the camera. (Hey we dint give the camera cuz we wanted the camera to b
e safe in case u fell off the highest point in kodai. Isn't that fair now?) Another friend of mine gets angry for simple reasons... And some more things I can't really quote here. Lolz. I wouldn't want to give the names here, just cuz it doesn't matter for the readers. Also because they'd kill me. Lolz.
We had a few problems at the end of kodai, handled it p
retty well i must say. At the end of it all, it was a really really memorable trip. Enjoyed a lot.
Needless to say it was so picturesque. The above picture was taking with my stupid cell phone on the way. Can u believe that! You really have to be there to witness.