Sunday, September 11, 2011

The doors to happiness

I've been thinking for the past few days. Thinking about the past. What is it that I remember from the past? Its those moments which I will cherish for the rest of the life. The time I spent with the best of friends. Friends like the ones no else can have. I think every person on this planet thinks he/she has the best friends anyone can ever have.

And then I think how would it be if there were doors to access those groups of friends one at a time. I have groups of friends. Friends from school, from higher studies... Everyone's a gem.

How would it be if, I could have doors like, the little school gate, where I could enter and all my school mates would be waiting for me, smiling when I walk towards them. Just being able to relive those days with those friends. Talk the talk which we used to back then.

How would it be if there was a small gate which we had at the back of our undergraduate college which we had to sometimes jump to bunk college, and when I enter it, there would be my friends waiting in their cars or bikes or just standing under a tree, carefree, waiting to ask me, "What now?"

How would it be if there was a heavy glass door which had a button on one side
which said push to open, which we would press even if we were not differently abled, and there they would be standing, my friends, smiling when I enter the door making plans to go some place just to travel even though we have no money left, just for the fun
of it, just to spend time with each other.

I could add in countless other doors here, but then you guys will get bored. :D

Thank you friends, for just being there. :)

PS: I think I've written many "what-if" scenarios in the past 2-3 posts.... :D I'll probably try something different next time.