Saturday, March 14, 2009


I had been thinking for the past few days about what to write next as my latest blog post. Just then i realised i already had the topic for my post.

Why was i compelled to write? In a way I like being read by people. Supposed there hadn't been many people reading my posts, I wouldn't have written anything after my first post! I'm being frank... Think about it and don't know how many such instances come up in my head. People do lots of things just cuz other people notice them, right? Like celebrities throw parties and stuff so that they're in the lime light. I'm not saying it happens every time.. For some people its important to be successful in life, to make one's own place in the society and be known to everyone in their radius. Some people just do all sorts of mad things just for kicks... People dress up neat and tidy, trying to impress others. You turn one head and you get that kind of a satisfaction. No one's desperate, just that something inside us compels us to... There is something like this for each one of us. Each one of us is secretly trying to fall into someone's eyes. Sometimes our own..

Then I think, why is it that important? I mean, can't we all just wear something plain and simple and just go about our own business rather than trying to make heads turn, or trying to get noticed. I suppose its just human nature. Hell, it even happens in animals right. Animals have all sorts of talent expo to make a point.

So thats that. I know its kind of a boring post. :D Now that I've got your attention and some of your time (thanks for your time :) ), you can now go on to do what ever it is that you have to until i figure out what to write in my next post :P
