Saturday, January 31, 2009

Back home :)

I went for a trip recently. Covered Chennai, Ooty, Kodaikanal and Bangalore. It was awesome. I think everyone should go somewhere or the other with friends. Even if its for 2 days. Gives u a break.

It even helps u understand ur friends better. Like I found out, one of my friends seems to  have a cold for like 24x7 throughout the year! Hehe. And anothe
r sweats in january in kodaikanal trying to convince us not to travel by road at night. Hehe. And another doesn't know tamil though its his mother tongue. Another gets superheated with anger just cuz we dont give him the camera. (Hey we dint give the camera cuz we wanted the camera to b
e safe in case u fell off the highest point in kodai. Isn't that fair now?) Another friend of mine gets angry for simple reasons... And some more things I can't really quote here. Lolz. I wouldn't want to give the names here, just cuz it doesn't matter for the readers. Also because they'd kill me. Lolz.

We had a few problems at the end of kodai, handled it p
retty well i must say. At the end of it all, it was a really really memorable trip. Enjoyed a lot.

Needless to say it was so picturesque. The above picture was taking with my stupid cell phone on the way. Can u believe that! You really have to be there to witness.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Why is it that people are bad? Isn't everyone born the same?

Lets face it. People are born to fight. People fight for life, money, love, revenge, water, land and what not. Heck they even fight with themselves!!! I gave some thought to this fight thing. It turns out that it has got everything to do with perspective. All conflicts can be avoided if people just change the way they think of others.

Racism leads the way when it comes to conflicts, doesn't it? Why can't people see everyone else as just people? Is it that hard? The other day i witnessed someone ignore another person just because he was from another community. There's got to be a limit.

The other thing which caught my eye was about guys and gals moving around together. This I noticed mostly in Hyderabad. You see a bunch of girl
s and guys moving around in a mall on the road in a car or on a bike or somewhere, people are quick to point out "I dont know what they told at home before going out" or something like that. Lolzz.. Shit man, they're just going around the mall. For all you know they might just be family! Stop judging people by their appearance dude... Speaking of appearance people see a girl wearing western outfits no matter how decent it looks and say "look at the thing she's wearing!!" Lolz. Haven't you noticed anyone in a saree? A saree is more revealing than that jack ass. It makes me laugh! The other day I laughed at my friend :D Couldn't help it.

People stereotype others. Thats what they do. For instance, girls think all guys are dogs (in the literal sense) and guys think all girls are trouble (i mean big big trouble. Well some guys might argue that I need to put a stronger word there, but hey, I didn't find a good word. Not my fault) Everyone fails to notice, everyone's got his or her own individuality. Yeah there might be some similarities, but still they're two different people. No two people are alike.

Well I guess this post is getting a bit too long and a bit too boring too. Well I didn't know what to write!! People were commenting that I dont update my blog.... Thats why the boring topic. Hehe.

So I'll sign off saying its all in the way you see things
. Perspective.